Well it was my birthday yesterday and it was the first time I didn't wake up at home on this particular day in the year. I was in my new OWN flat :) And this time it was not the parents but my beloved bf who woke me up. I didn't really party as almost everyone's on holiday right now but what isn't can still be ;D
And this is what I got: my new digital SLR I'd longed for forever, an H&M voucher, a slouchy 80s pullover, a new Audrey Hepburn poster for the new room and this lovely jewel case you can see above from my parents, money from my grandma aaaand a cute key fob and a university pullover of the Ruhr University I'd been accepted at and where I'll study Politics, Economics & Society as well as Media Studies from this year's October on!
Unfortunately I haven't taken any good pictures yet as I haven't inserted the SD card into my new camera yet. Just yet another photo of the jewel casket opened and some impressions of the amazing brunch I had with my friends this noon at a friend's place. She's got the lovliest house ever!